The Best Gravel Bikes For Sale

Wolność, odkrywanie, wszechstronność, komfort. Bikeroom prezentuje najlepszy wybór nowych i używanych rowerów gravelowych: od turystyki rowerowej po bikepacking i czysty gravel, przygotuj się na jazdę po mieszanym terenie, utwardzonych drogach, ścieżkach rowerowych i single trackach jak nigdy dotąd. Twoja kolejna przygoda zaczyna się tutaj!

Najlepsze rowery gravelowe do kupienia poniżej 3000 € | Czytaj więcej na BKRM Mag

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Najwyższa cena to €11.999,00
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Power Meter

What are gravel bikes?

Gravel bikes are similar to road bikes but designed to tackle gravel paths, trails and less-traveled roads while still providing comfort on paved surfaces. Indeed, the main differences between a road bike and a gravel bike are in the frame geometry, components, accessories, and versatility.

What's a good gravel touring bike​?

A good gravel touring bike is designed to prioritize comfort, lightweight construction, and rideability—three key factors for enjoying a unique way of experiencing cycling and immersing yourself in nature.

How many types of gravel bikes for sale can I find on

Bikeroom offers a wide range of new, pre-owned, and demo gravel bikes for sale, carefully selected to meet all your riding needs, from cycle touring to bikepacking.