Premium bicycles like new: Road, Mountain, Electric and Gravel just for you

Dział Demo Bikes w Bikeroom oferuje możliwość zakupu rowerów premium używanych w salonach wystawowych głównych firm lub w najlepszych sesjach zdjęciowych, które nigdy nie były używane na drodze lub mają tylko kilka przejechanych kilometrów. Rowerów szosowych, górskich, elektrycznych i gravelowych: wszystkie gwarantowane przez producentów i certyfikowane przez nasz zespół profesjonalnych mechaników.

Demo Bikes, rewolucja Bikeroom w zakupach online | Przeczytaj więcej na BKRM Mag

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Najwyższa cena to €15.999,00
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Power Meter

A concept inspired by automotive

The constant technological innovations and design evolution have transformed bicycles into true engineering marvels, often with price tags that not everyone can afford. The Demo Bikes selection introduces a groundbreaking way to purchase premium bicycles, the first of its kind in the global bike industry, taking inspiration from the automotive sector.

A revolution in premium bicycles purchasing

What does Demo Bikes mean for a bicycle? These are premium models used in showrooms of major companies (or in top photoshoots) that are usually only available to "family & friends" and have never hit the road or have traveled very few kilometers.

How Demo Bikes works?

Just like World Tour team bikes, Demo Bikes models are purchased in bulk from Bikeroom's partner companies (Bianchi, Wilier, Look, Giant, BMC, Cinelli, De Rosa, to name a few) and are practically new. Most of them even come with the manufacturer's warranty. That's why this collection is a unique gateway to buy premium bicycles models, without compromising quality and with the opportunity to enjoy extraordinary discounts.