Pre-Owned Premium Bikes for Sale

Tutaj znajdziesz najlepsze używane rowery we wszystkich kategoriach: MTB, szosowe, elektryczne, gravel, przełajowe i triathlonowe, wszystkie certyfikowane przez nasz zespół profesjonalnych mechaników. Wybierz swój następny rower wyścigowy lub treningowy i daj się oczarować aerodynamiką, lekkością i prędkością: Twoje cele nigdy nie były tak blisko!

Przewodnik zakupu online używanego roweru | Czytaj więcej na BKRM Mag

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Najwyższa cena to €12.700,00
Rodzaj hamulca
Product Type
Power Meter

Bikeroom: the best place to buy Pre-Owned bikes of all types!

Bikeroom Pre-Owned Bikes section includes all available models for purchase: Pre-Owned road bikes, Pre-Owned MTB, Pre-Owned electric bikes, Pre-Owned gravel & cyclocross bikes, and Pre-Owned time trial & triathlon bikes.

Why should I buy a Pre-Owned bike on

Because the shopping experience not only affordable but also safe, as every available model is carefully chosen and subjected to strict certification criteria. Our goal is, in fact, to provide you with a product that meets your expectations in every way: quality, savings, performance, comfort, and reliability.

How many categories of Pre-Owned bikes I can find on

There are two types of Pre-Owned bikes: Bikeroom's Selection and Bikeroom's Official Dealer. To identify the type of Pre-Owned bike you're looking at, simply check the photo gallery. More details here.