Wilier Astana Qazaqstan Team 2022

A Winning Legacy. The authentic bikes ridden by the Wilier Astana Qazaqstan Team — now known as XDS Astana Team — during the 2022 season included the flagship and iconic Wilier 0 SLR, designed to lead Vincenzo Nibali and his teammates to the top of the Grand Tours, and the more aero-oriented Filante SLR — an advanced machine developed to conquer the Grand Classics and sprint through the fastest stages.

These were the pros' bikes, equipped and designed to break all limits — because with Wilier bikes, there were no limits. This exclusive batch featured selected and meticulously inspected models by our professional mechanics.

Among them stood two true gems: two brand-new framesets with an exclusive paint finish, which have now earned their place in Bikeroom's "Hall of Fame" collection. These models are no longer available.

Entdecken Sie Wilier Fahrräder

„Wilier Filante“

The Wilier Filante SLR is not just the top of an aerodynamic racing bike — it's a blend of design and elegance, striking the perfect balance between lightness and aero performance. A pure racing machine, no ifs or buts, and one of the few aero bikes that climbs as well as a dedicated climber’s bike: sharp and responsive in handling, with an agility rarely found in this category. And when it comes to the World Tour, that’s a factor you can't overlook.

Entdecken Sie Wilier Fahrräder

Halbred als Markenzeichen

Wilier 0 SLR Team Astana Premier Tech: ein super leichtes Carbon-Rennrad mit Scheibenbremsen und vollständig integrierter Kabelführung im Rahmen. Die erste Wahl der World Tour Champions von Team Astana.

Das Wilier 0 SLR ist ein High-Tech-Bike das Eleganz, aerodynamische Effizienz und hervorragende Straßenleistung kombiniert, dank seines Monocoque-Rahmens mit Hochmodul-Carbonfasern und Crystal Liquid Polymer Technologie zur besseren Vibrationsdämpfung.

Ultraleicht, großartige Kontrolle und zuverlässig bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten, Bremsleistung, elektronische Schaltung, aerodynamische Effizienz, vollständige Kabelführung. Alles verdichtet im unverwechselbaren Wilier-Stil, dem perfekten italienischen Stil. Der Wilier 0 SLR Rahmen wiegt nur 780g, was ihn zur perfekten Wahl für Klettertouren macht und einen Rahmen, der Word Tour Rennen dominiert.

Die Montage ist erstklassig: Shimano Dura-Ace Di2 elektronische Schaltung, Carbonräder, Alabarda Lenker mit vollständig integrierter Kabelführung, und einige Einheiten mit Ceramic Speed Käfig und Umlenkrolle.

Bereiten Sie sich darauf vor, die Straßen zu dominieren, tun Sie es jetzt.

„Entdecken Sie Wilier Fahrräder“


One of a Kind. In addition to the complete bikes that once belonged to the pros, we had the privilege of getting our hands on a brand-new SLR Filante Frame Kit — 870 grams of pure aerodynamics. This exclusive frame included the Aero handlebar and D-Shape seatpost and featured a special paint finish created for Kazakh champion Alexey Lutsenko.

The Filante SLR was the most aero-focused model of the Astana Qazaqstan Team and was chosen by their professional riders for its exceptional weight-to-stiffness ratio. Every shape and tube section of this frame was designed to maximize aerodynamic efficiency and reduce air resistance, with an asymmetrical profile that set it apart.

The most stressed areas — such as the seat stays on the crankset side and the fork on the braking system side — were reinforced with additional composite material, ensuring both stability and responsiveness at high speeds.

Entdecken Sie Wilier Fahrräder