World Tour Team Bikes

Wenn Sie einer dieser Radsportbegeisterten sind, die nie eine große Klassiker verpassen, wie ein Profi trainieren und davon träumen, ein Fahrrad von den World Tour Teams zu fahren, Bikeroom ist der Ort, an dem dieser Traum wahr werden kann. Entdecken Sie unsere erstaunlichen Kollektionen und verlieben Sie sich in Ihr nächstes Fahrrad!

Alle Vorteile des Kaufs eines Fahrrads von den World Tour Teams | Mehr erfahren auf BKRM Mag

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Der höchste Preis ist €10.490,00
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How much do Pro team bikes cost and why are they hard to find?

Typically, World Tour team bikes have a high price tag (between €12,000 and €15,000) that not everyone can afford. The reason is simple: they are extremely high-performance models, packed with cutting-edge technological innovations and advanced in terms of design. In other words, they are true masterpieces of craftsmanship, which have been used by cyclists in training and races.

Why can I find World Tour team bikes at highly competitive prices on

At the end of each cycling season, the Bikeroom team carefully selects the finest World Tour team bikes from top cycling brands, ensuring exceptional quality and lasting performance for all its customers (our catalog does not include products that have been involved in accidents or sustained structural damage). This process makes otherwise unattainable bikes accessible, offering them at incredible prices with discounts ranging from 40% to 50% (typically between €5,000 and €7,000).

What type of World Tour team bike can I buy?

The World Tour team bikes available on can either be race or training models. The race bikes are those used by professionals during major competitions, while the training bikes are the same models but intended for training use. In both cases, they are high-performance, top-of-the-line bikes, and availability of one or the other type varies depending on the moment.